Friday, 18 May 2007

Marc Quinn

My Final Red Head piece reminded me a lot of Marc Quinn's Work.

my final piece

This is my final piece, Calum likes it. The rest of the photo's are in my flicker.

Thursday, 10 May 2007

I'm Just a Vision on your T.V Screen.

unfortunately because i am very computer illiterate I couldn't work out how to rotate the videos!


I was born in the wrong era! I should be this age in the eighties! The Cure are my biggest musical influence at the moment and I am in love with Robert Smith. I feel his look fits in with the work I am currently doing. He also fits my theory that all great men have mad hair.

The reason I admire him so much is that he is full of contrasts.

-instantley definable yet hard to define.
-He has his own look that he is recognised for but others did it too.
-gothic but also not gothic (big high top shoes).
- very famous but modest.
-sings constantly about brreak ups and love, been with the same woman since he was 14.

He doesn't like to be pigeon holed. He was called a goth so he wrote lovecats.

Here is me attempting to be Robert.

Siouxsie Sioux the lead singer of Siouxsie and the Banshees is pretty much the less messy female equivilent of Robert Smith and she is a legend.

Wednesday, 9 May 2007

Black Gloves

This video may not work because I couldn't view it on this computer.

Experimenting with more stitching. I was told the act of me stitching while wearing the glove was more nauseating than the actual gloves.

I think I will use these more as a bit of reasearch to back up my wire wool gloves. I feel the aren't as effective because they still look soft and comfy!

Red Scrim

more photo's on my flicker site. Link at top of page.

I originally planned ou using this red scrim to create a large structure. The Idea was to enclose the viewer and create tension. After a discussion with Paul we decided a performance piece may be more effective. Liked the idea that the plain natural scrim is transformed through me into an unnatural red bundle that resenmbles skinny intestines. I find this even more interesting as red is my signature colour, it is like i am making the scrim more like myself.

I plan to carry out the performance piece on monday. I want to make the area as clean and white looking as I can. I'll sit and paint the scrim for an hour and lovely Sarah has agreed to take a photo every 15 minutes to document it.

steph x

Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Camille Rose Garcia

I took a wander into Waterstones today to look at all the lovely books I can't afford and I came across an artist named Camillie Rose Garcia. Her distinctive style really caught my attention, it's cute, a little dark and funny.

The Book of hers is called The Saddest Place on Earth, I may buy it for my birthday. She also has small video's on her official page. They aren't animations more like slide shows. My favourite is who's afriad of the peppermint man?